
Cycretary is a codename for one of the results of the ACTIVE project. It is a LarKC application/workflow developed as an example of how semantic technologies can help manage and track personell traveling in bigger organizations.

Currently all the components (used LarKC plug-ins) are still prototypes and the workflow is accessible through specific Active html endpoint (temporarly - img).

When started, the LarKC workflow is given a list of people in the organisation and their corresponding Google Calendar and TripIt accounts and then when the endpoint html is accessed, it collects all available meeting and travel information, checks for the consistencies and displays the grouped and sorted data about the events and people attending them.

The workflow consist of 3 plug-ins. Identifiers for collecting the Google Calendar and TripIt data and reasoner which checks for consistencies and reasons about the events. The reasoner will be connected to Cyc in next iteration of the workflow. All 3 plug-ins are connected into a path, which ends with an Active endpoint. All 4 components are available for download in the section below.